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Hello + Welcome!


I’m so excited to announce that my website went live this morning, Monday, November 10th at 10:40am! If you’re reading this, you’re probably one of the first people to see it. It has been a work in progress and I’m so proud to share.

You may know me from any of my many walks of life – Ladies Who Launch, S Factor, Columbia Journalism, Corporate America, Wellesley or maybe you’re a family member, friend, neighbor, fellow yogini or a hypnosis client.

I look forward to sharing tips, tools and inspiration and –  later – products to help the world better understand, embrace and harness the power of the mind using hypnosis, NLP, and many other ancient and modern day modalities.

As a first step in working with your mind, I’ve created a Rest + De-stress audio for you. When you sign up for my Realign Your Mind newsletter on the website, you can download it for FREE. Enjoy!

Thank you for all of your support and I’ll be in touch very soon with more news, tools and inspiration!

Be well,


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