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Wanna’ join us for a Bars Class in Philly this Sat 2.29?

Wanna’ learn more about the Bars first? Check out this clip… Access Bars Convo w/ Veronica + Karla!READ ARTICLE

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I can’t ignore them any longer + an invite

Freedom of the Mind

A huge thanks to The Community Church of New York for posting this sign :-)!

The Signs. I can’t ignore them any longer. Have you been ignoring them too?

Whether I’ve been just plain scared, in denial or “not ready”, I have chosen to ignore many signs throughout my life.

It would be an outright lie to say I’ve never seen any of them. I’ve seen them alright and ignoring them has been a choice. I remember continuing to do work that didn’t support me financially or emotionally. I remember being in romantic relationships that couldn’t deliver what I needed, deserved or desired. Let’s just say I have avoided my share of stuff.

Years ago, the man I thought I wanted to spend the rest of my life with told me he wouldn’t marry me because I didn’t (at that point) have a master’s degree. If that wasn’t a sign, I don’t know what is.

Signs may be but the sympathies of nature with man. ― Charlotte Bronte, Jane Eyre

The Good, The Bad, The Sledgehammer
Signs come in many forms. The mouths of babes. And adults. Through images, gut feelings, inner voices, songs, advice– there are countless vehicles. Here’s … READ ARTICLE

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Happy New Year + My Gift to You!

Happy New Year 2015 with orange swashe

I’m so excited to welcome in 2015, and I hope you are too. More than anything, 2014 taught me how to ride the wave of life… Whether we’ve been in touch recently, it has been a while or you’re brand spanking new here, here’s to a magical year filled with love, laughter, abundance, prosperity and loads of FUN!

In order to experience all of those good things, a nice rest is in order. Especially after the holidays! I’m sharing my Rest + De-Stress audio so you can do just that. No need to leave your email – it’s FREE, my gift to you, just grab it and breathe. Listen for 30 to 60, heck, even 90- days, once or twice a day or at night to SLOW DOWN, DE-STRESS and find some PEACE in the New Year!

Download Now

If you want to rock your 2015 and move on from any thing that may be holding you back (even if it’s invisible to you) – we can breakthrough the clouds and discover your magic together! Willingness is the key. I’m happy to chat!

To learn more about hypnosis and my practice, roam around my new site, sign up for my tools and … READ ARTICLE

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Happy Holidays + Thank You

kl-blog2Wishing you a magical holiday season!

Whether you’re a client, student, colleague, family member, friend, or acquaintance, rest assured you have taught me so much and for that I am truly grateful.

As a gift, I’d love to share my Rest + De-Stress audio with you to help you
SLOW DOWN, find some PEACE and ENJOY this holiday season and beyond!

In 2015, I’ll be sharing cool tools, info and inspiration to help you
Realign Your Mind + SHINE!

Be well,

P.S. – I’d love to hear from you, so drop a holiday wish or hello below or let me know how you’re enjoying your audio!… READ ARTICLE

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Hello + Welcome!


I’m so excited to announce that my website went live this morning, Monday, November 10th at 10:40am! If you’re reading this, you’re probably one of the first people to see it. It has been a work in progress and I’m so proud to share.

You may know me from any of my many walks of life – Ladies Who Launch, S Factor, Columbia Journalism, Corporate America, Wellesley or maybe you’re a family member, friend, neighbor, fellow yogini or a hypnosis client.

I look forward to sharing tips, tools and inspiration and –  later – products to help the world better understand, embrace and harness the power of the mind using hypnosis, NLP, and many other ancient and modern day modalities.

As a first step in working with your mind, I’ve created a Rest + De-stress audio for you. When you sign up for my Realign Your Mind newsletter on the website, you can download it for FREE. Enjoy!

Thank you for all of your support and I’ll be in touch very soon with more news, tools and inspiration!

Be well,

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