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Getting Naked

I don’t normally write about getting naked. But a few weeks ago I did something I would not normally do either: I posted a video of myself crying. It was an odd experience- totally spontaneous. In the video, I was sharing a meaningful challenge I am doing in support of homeless teens. Seemingly out of nowhere, in the middle of filming, giant (crocodile) tears started flowing down my face. (One of my brilliant newsletter subscribers wrote in to tell me that crocodile tears are an insincere act of being sad… I didn’t know that, did you? You learn something new every day!)

These were tears of clarity, of confirmation. A heartfelt way for my body to tell me I was doing the right thing. So yes, I felt vulnerable showing a side of myself that few see, especially in this age of social media and portrayed “perfection”. I wanted to share what I was feeling, a deep desire to help these teens. The funny thing was, I had imagined sharing all of these great stats about the organization, homeless kids and sleeping out on the streets, yet there I was, barely able to get the words out, let alone remember any statistics.



Time and again, I am reminded that our greatest wisdom and its reward appear when we allow ourselves to Get Naked and be in the moment. Whether in front of a mirror or with a life partner, family member or friend, I encourage you to practice letting your walls come down. Peel away the layers, share your truth, just be and allow it all to unfold from there. Yes, it may be scary, but you will gain so much. Originally, I had planned to fundraise $2,000, $100/day until the night of the event. Instead, after ten days or so, I have already reached 88% of my $2,000 goal and there are 10 days left. I am blown away by each contribution, from the blessings and kind words, to every single dollar. Every. Little. Bit. Helps.

So what exactly is this Sleeping Out thing? A group of us will sleep out for a night to raise money for Covenant House, an organization that moves homeless youth off the street and prepares them for a better life.

With the 10 days I have left, I’ve set my sights on not only meeting my original goal of $2,000, but also Doubling the Money. That’s right, double. Yikes! I am getting butterflies just typing it. But somehow this feels right, it feels like a worthwhile stretch. I’m always up for a challenge and to step into possibility!

If you feel moved to contribute to Covenant House and the kids by supporting my Sleep Out, you can do that here. If you’d like to Sleep Out too, you can also check that page for events near you. If nothing else, I hope this inspires you to Get Naked. Opening and sharing your heart isn’t just a tool for fundraising, but a tool for living Life.


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