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Category Archives: tools

You can lead a horse to water…

You can lead a horse to water...

As proverbs go, this is one of my all time favorites.

Over the past few weeks it has been a big topic with clients, friends, family and colleagues. Many have found themselves in situations where they’ve offered advice, information, knowledge and on occasion, money, to someone they know, only to discover that it doesn’t seem to help.

The greatest of intentions
It’s tough to see people you love — or even strangers — going through a difficult time. And even if no one is asking for your help, your natural inclination may be to do whatever you can to be supportive. To lend an ear, a shoulder to cry on, a hug, some wisdom. You truly want to uplift, inspire and hopefully transform the situation. Despite your caring intentions, the person who is hurting may decide to stew in their pot.

In this case, it’s best to remind yourself of this quote in its entirety,

You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink.

Often they are unable to even see or acknowledge the unhelpful or destructive habits that are causing the issue. And next thing you know, you’re watching them as they run 100mph, face … READ ARTICLE

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Fight, Flee or Choose to Be FREE

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Okay, so recently I had the honor and pleasure of spending time with Gerald Epstein, M.D., one of my many teachers. He is a phenomenal educator, pioneer and leader in the field of mental imagery for healing. His work has been praised worldwide by patients and the medical community alike.

Have you ever experienced a “false emergency”? I have! It’s a phrase Dr. Epstein uses and I wanted to share it with you because it’s something that we, modern people, have adopted as a habit, a lifestyle. And it’s harmful to your health!

False Emergency
A false emergency is when you worry about something that has already happened or doesn’t yet exist. It is a perceived threat that sends you and your body into unnecessary distress. For instance, maybe you’re worried about work, or your family or your significant other and your tummy is tied up in knots. Or perhaps you’ve got your knickers in a twist right at this very moment about something that has already happened or that you want to make happen. Either way, you are extracting yourself from the present moment, stepping right into a false emergency. I’ve definitely been there many times, and I bet … READ ARTICLE

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Need to Calm Down ASAP? Do this!


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